Sixteen weeks! Little A is now the size of an avocado. Yummy. (Okay, that’s weird. But, c’mon, I can’t be the first ‘soon-to-be’ mama to get lured in. Maybe somebody should change out these baby size charts, ya know the ones that hungry pregnant women look at weekly, for non-edible things. just a thought.)
Oh boy, (or girl) how I’ve grown! I don’t know if its the new Bobble competition that has my belly rounding out or if its just the normal 16 week stretch, but there you are, Little A. You are making me look like a Mama. And that is just super! :)
Yesterday, after a super fun date day with Daddy to Ruckersville, VA, we came home to a surprise package at the door! Inside were these super cute ducky pajamas. They are from your very sweet and thoughtful Momsie, who I just know you will adore. After all, she’s the reason I’ve got such a smashing husband & you’ve got such a sensational Daddy.
**Thank you, Momsie, for these adorable pajamas! They will keep me and Little A cozy until we get to have one of your warm hugs.
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