We are back in Charlottesville. And I miss Louisiana so much I could cry. Well, cry some more, that is.
But more than Louisiana, I miss these two. My Mama & Dad. Your Remy & Pops. We had so much fun with them, Little A.
I can’t wait to see you in their arms in July, basking in their warm hugs & kisses.
Or when you are older, laughing at their jokes, calling them on the phone, coloring them pictures to mail, taking long weekend trips to visit them.
But mostly, I can’t wait to see how much you’ll remind me of them. Maybe you’ll have Remy’s beautiful deep brown eyes, or Pops’ wonderfully contagious laugh. Whatever it is, Little A, you’ll grow up with their unconditional love, which I can attest is the best way to grow up!
Lucky us, Little A, Lucky us.
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