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A day in the park

Today marks the celebration of August experiencing every season. Happy spring, friends!  image
But because of this lingering cold weather and because of the lingering weeks of his mama being sick, August is spending his very first day of spring inside this apartment playing and snacking and watching PBS. I know he loves his toys and his snacks and his PBS, but I feel super guilty. I want to feel better so badly so I can bring this little boy out to the park to celebrate this first day of his first spring, even if we have to be all bundled up.image
But, then I see a pair of little shiny smiling eyes looking at me from across all the toys and all the snacks and all the PBS. And what I know is this. For the two of us: spending this spring day in our home playing and exploring and chatting and occasionally stopping just looking at each other, well this is our day in the park. And that’ll do, that’ll do.
