Last weekend, we celebrated August’s upcoming first birthday with family and a few friends. By the time we added all of August’s cousins in Virginia on the guest list, we barely had room for anyone else. So many cousin-friends. If this boy doesn’t make another friend in his life, he’ll be set. Although something tells me he’ll never meet someone that isn’t a friend. He’s such a gregarious little guy.
I had a lot of fun preparing for the party. A quick trip to Michael’s to find some adorable circus party supplies was all I needed to decide on a theme. And after many of pinterest searches and clicking links to blogs of how other people did it bigger! and better! and handmade everything down to the straws! I shut the computer, paid for my straws, and did my best to make the party my own. Okay, I did use inspirations from here and there. Pinterest, I can’t quit you.
I remember attending my nephews’ and nieces’ birthday parties and seeing their photo timelines and thinking ‘how wonderful!’ for my sisters who got to have that baby and watch that baby grow everyday. And after I printed August’s photos and strung them on the wall I stepped back and thought so deeply ‘Jenna, how wonderful for you!’ And there it still hangs in my kitchen. forever and ever amen.
See those fruit kabobs there? Pinterest.
And now for some photos of August’s party guests/best friends/cousins. August is a lucky little guy to have so much family to love and be loved.Hattie Nell. She makes sure to get her hug and kiss from August every time she sees him. Oh, and she adorably calls August “GussyGussy”.
Tessa Eleanor. Not only did she bring a gift for Gus, she also brought one for me and one for Jared. She’s just that kind of girl.
Super Sam and Allie Jayne. Allie is a lover of Disney and of animals. Here she is with Super Sam meowing at the neighborhood cat.
Allie brought Gus a bunch of books that he reads everyday. We call them his “Allie” books.Samuel Ashby. He calls August “Gustopher”. I hope he calls him that forever. He wore his Super Sam shirt to the party. And one of my guests said she could just eat him up. I’m pretty sure that’s how everyone feels about jolly little Sam. I put gummy snacks out just for him because I know they are his favorite. And he happily ate them up.
Everett Nolan. Our littlest party guest and August’s only little cousin. He turned one month old on the party day. I just know he and August are gonna be the best of friends.
Sullivan Andrew. Gus loves when Sullivan is around. Sullivan gets the biggest belly laughs out of Gus. August even gave him a big kiss while they were playing. And Gus doesn’t just give those out freely; even I have to coax him into it, usually ending up with me having to steal kisses. Sullivan says that Tessa has Allie and he has August. Isn’t that cute?
And now for the most hilarious cake smash you may ever see. I was all set to have pictures of a happy cake-covered baby. I mean, you’ve seen those babies on pinterest, right?! I thought for sure my little food monster would be thrilled to dig in to his very own cake.
Well…He didn’t love a group of people singing to him. He also didn’t touch his cake. He did, however, give us the best pout the world has seen since the day he was born.
That pout right there, that’ll be my Achilles’ heel for years to come.
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