You may not know this about us, but Jared and I are craigslist crazy. There are many reasons for this. One being that we are currently in good ol' Dave Ramsey's baby step 2, which is paying off all of our debts. Two is that we get to trade and upgrade furniture, home furnishings, and baby supplies often, most times without even touching our wallets. Three, being that we love a deal and craigslist is chock full of deals. Four, being that we have a one year old and it is just less stress owning used stuff, ya know? Yes, we do love craigslist. Buying. Selling. Flipping. We find it all to be very exciting. It also helps that our community is outstanding at craigslisting. C'ville, you old doll you. This brings me to a story that was meant to be an email to my sisters and mom, but halfway through writing it, I realized it was lengthy and tried to scale it back, but I just couldn't. So I read it to Jared who said it'd be a good blog post and I haven't been bloggi...