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Showing posts from November, 2013

Catching up with the Buchanans

My sister-in-law, Leigh Ann, was in town a couple of weekends ago and we all had a wonderful time. But mostly Gus had a wonderful time because he loves attention and being loved on and Aunt Leigh Leigh is just really good at that sort of thing. Not to mention the little toy cash register she brought to him that August has deemed the best. toy. ever. Today I found him giggling to himself as he put goldfish crackers in the coin slots and put the toy coins in his snack trap. He is funny like that. We spent a day at the Albemarle Ciderworks while she was here and it was beautiful. The weather had just a kiss of cool and there were ten different kinds of apples to sample. I never knew about Idareds before that day. But now that I do, it is safe to say, Idared apples make me go bananas for apples! We brought a picnic of crackers, fresh bread, hummus, bruschetta, and cheeses and sat right down in a beautiful open field surrounded by colorful trees. All the while a very delighted G...