Jared here. You may have guessed that from the title of this post, but I promise you this has nothing - or, at least, very little - to do with football. Three years ago (almost to the very minute) the most wonderful, darling woman I had ever met (and who, you may recall, I had only just met three months earlier) looked at me with the most...the most...well, just the most MOST face. It looked like she was going to cry, or scream, or maybe just explode. I asked her what was wrong, but she wouldn't say. I asked again, and still she wouldn't say. I pressed her to open up (I had gotten pretty good at that in those three short months) and finally she said: ...well, we'll get to that later... Have you ever loved someone? I mean - really, truly, painfully, achingly loved someone? I hadn't. I think the biggest surprise about falling in love is how it didn't take me off guard. Not in the least. It just slowly sidled up beside me, like we were riding two horses from di...