Dearest Jared,
We celebrated three years of marriage last week. I spent our anniversary thinking about our wedding day, naturally. I thought about how I found my first grey hair the morning of our wedding and how my skin broke out for the first and only time of my life the week before our wedding. And I thought about how wedding planning was the absolute worst and I just wanted to be your wife already. I thought about how I had to keep reminding myself to breathe. I thought about walking up the aisle to you and giggling the whole time because I was so incredibly happy. I thought about how one of the first things I noticed when we came face to face was that you wore one of my bobby pins as your tie clip.
Dearest Jared,
We celebrated three years of marriage last week. I wanted to bake you a pie and make you a card and put on makeup and a dress and make a playlist of all of our wedding jams so that we could dance. But instead I changed diapers, found pacifiers, fed babies, watched episodes of Color Crew, taught animal noises, and read board books. To say I did all of these things with joy and thankfulness would be a stretch. I wanted to be romantic. I wanted to feel pretty. I wanted to not have spit up on my shoulder when I hugged you hello. 
Dearest Jared,We celebrated three years of marriage last week. I daydreamed all day of how handsome you were and how pretty I felt. I hummed our wedding songs to our babies before their naps. I told August about how happy and in love his parents are and will be forever and ever amen. I told Auden that you wore a bird pin on your lapel before we even knew we'd have a little bird of our own.
Dearest Jared,
We celebrated three years of marriage last week. You came home from work in a happy mood as you do. And you kissed us all hello. You told me how you told as many people as you could at work that it was your anniversary. You cooked dinner for us. You bathed the kids and you read them stories before bed. It was a normal night. Nothing fancy or flashy. You were you. Doing all the romantic things that you do every evening. And I am so thankful that I get to be your wife and live this romantic life.
Dearest Jared,
We celebrated three years of marriage last week. Didn't we look like babies??
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